Empathy Is Not Enough

In her theme essay, Empathy Is Not Enough, published by talking writing, http://talkingwriting.com/empathy-not-enough Laurette Folk  explores how great works of literature and art can alleviate suffering. She says, “Empathy is only the starting point. Readers can empathize with the plight of characters they love, as I did with Stephen Dedalus; people can be captivated by works of art for very personal reasons. Yet, I believe that when somebody says art matters, it’s because he or she has been moved beyond personal illumination to act more compassionately in the world.”

And she concludes her essay with this reflection: “Works of art and literature can help us acknowledge these commonalities, yet it’s a subtle thing. Most people aren’t immediately aware of how such empathy can spark compassionate action. It takes time for empathy to sink in and cause a shift in beliefs. It takes time for this internal shift to have conceivable, positive repercussions—repercussions that run the gamut from a simple act of kindness to writing your own novel to creating an organization that fosters world peace.”