Episode 29 UNICEF Somalias Hawa Sabriye on the Importance of Education
/Hawa Sabriye works for UNICEF Somalia as an Education Specialist. She has over 7 years of experience in education/teaching, humanitarian aid and international development. She holds a BA in English Literature and Human Geography, a BA and MA in Education, and Graduate Diplomas in Refugee and Migration Studies and Post-Secondary Education: Community, Culture, and Policy. Hawa is also a doctorate candidate at the University of Toronto in the International Education Leadership & Policy program. Her research focuses on trauma-informed teaching and learning in Somalia. Hawa’s interests include Afrocentric education, reading, and water painting. She says: Fiction can offer a great escape, introduce us to new ideas and knowledge, and allows us to practice empathy. Often, the contexts we work in are foreign to us, and stories, through characters can help to better understand these contexts.